Keymapper Notes =============== Working with the keymapper code requires the following tools: - Python_ 3.5+ - wxPython_ 4.0+ - cx_Freeze_ 5.1+ - Sphinx_ 1.7+ .. _Python: .. _cx_Freeze: .. _wxPython: .. _Sphinx: Updating the Documentation -------------------------- Modify the .rst files in ``./docs/source/`` as needed. To use the Sphinx tool to regenerate the HTML, run ``docs.bat``. Building the Keymapper ---------------------- The keymapper can be run from source, but for releases it is usually built into a Python package and a Windows executable. After making changes and incorporating any new firmware, run ``package.bat`` and ``cxFreeze.bat``. After the builds complete, the Python package will be placed in the ``./keymapper/dist/`` directory. The Windows executable will be placed in the ``./keymapper/build/exe.win32-3.6/`` directory. Rename the directory to something more descriptive, then Zip it up. The EasyAVR keymapper build will include anything that you place into the ``./keymapper/easykeymap/exttools`` directory. This location is meant to include useful executables for programming boards. Official EasyAVR releases currently include ``dfu-programmer.exe`` and ``teensy_loader_cli.exe`` in the build, however these files are not stored in the git repository. They must be downloaded by the developer. Modifying the Keymapper ----------------------- TODO